Generative Text to Audio with Audiocraft 2
In this video we'll use Audiocraft for generating sound effects instead of music.
I share the knowledge I've gained when solving a tough problem in order that it might help someone else. Here's a collection of those things.
In this video we'll use Audiocraft for generating sound effects instead of music.
In this video we'll use Audiocraft, an open source library from Facebook, to create a fully customizable interface for generating AI audio. Because the instructions and latest code seem to not work for most people, this video will show you how to get around the issues, and up and running smoothly.
What's it like to interact with chatGPT by speaking to it instead of typing to it? What's it like to hear it speak back? Build your own talking chatGPT to find out.
Transcribing audio so that you can perform Q&A with chatGPT.
Examine the use of ChatGPT and Whisper APIs in the Firefox Energy Profiler to estimate how much energy is being used during AI inference.
No fancy GPU-processor? No time to leave your machine crunching for endless hours on a single machine learning task? Problems installing the endless dependencies your model requires? No problem.
Train a Machine Learning model using Tensorflow and Deeplab to separate your chosen subject from its background in any photo
Utilizing local storage and javascript to get around the styling restrictions on :visited links and their content
Smooth transitions between synthetic GAN-generated landscapes with Runway ML and P5.js
Storing form data from a website in Google Spreadsheets using javascript / React
Rotating, Orienting, and Scaling the Camera Preview to fit your device
Connecting via WiFi with a low cost microcontroller to retrieve data
Build a face-detecting React Native selfie cam from scratch in minutes with Exponent
Implementing a Stereoscopic Skybox into Unity for Virtual Reality
From my 2018 Make+Think+Code Visual, Audio, and Speech workshops at PNCA
Prototype faster, give users control of your web animations / interactions, and see changes in real time with an auto-generated GUI
This tutorial will show you how to use contentful to deliver CMS-driven content to your Hype-generated website.
In this tutorial, we’re going to use Hype to dynamically update the content of a website, populating our site with the latest mortgage rates from a data file.
Hype is a great tool if you’re looking for making motion heavy websites with a graphical interface. Adding fonts can be a bit confusing though. Here's how to make it happen.
In this tutorial we'll use the massive library of sketches from Google's Quickdraw databse and train them on photos from the Internet Archive, turning drawings of fish to fish-photo-hybrids.
pix2pix is a great and easy way to create machine-learning generated images, but it requires specific formatting. This tutorial shows you how to achieve this using ImageMagick.
Setting up a basic file upload feature for your static website with just Javascript using Firebase. No PHP needed!
How to quickly generate a random gallery of images from an unsplash collection in javascript without using the API
How come your codepen example doesn’t work when you link to a file on your FTP server? Often times it’s because of CORS, so I thought I’d share a few easy ways of dealing with this.
Code to implement an image carousel in react native where the carousel can be launched into a 'modal' mode and each image can be zoomed
Getting your gamepad to work in Steam Games isn't always straightforward. Here's a reliable solution.
Code to implement an image carousel in react native with custom indicator bars
Code to implement a collapsible accordion style navigation element in React Native, with the ability to scroll to each clicked item
Replace React Native ScrollView with the new (and smarter) Flatlist.
Create text centered over an image in React Native with flexbox, without the need for image dimensions, absolute positioning, or translating.
Create a user controlled image zoom / pan with animated zoom reset using the React Native Scroll View component
This tutorial shows how to utilize JSON data obtained via AJAX on initial load, and how to pass that data to components.
The general process for adding a subdomain to your web host, configuring the virtual host, and enabling the domain
Use auto trace and the centerline text plugin for inkscape to convert a font to a single path for use in CNC routers, laser cutters, etc.
A free method of dynamically updating a Unity UI element with static map tiles using the Google Maps API
Workflow for creating and implementing 2D spritesheet animations using Adobe Fuse , Mixamo, Cinema4D, and Unity.
Use the experimental web bluetooth feature in Chrome to detect and control bluetooth devices.
Take advantage of the CSS font-display Property
For chromeless background-style videos
Normally, a CSS transition won't occur if you are trying to apply it to an element which was hidden and now should be visible. Here's how to fix it.
It's pretty easy using lodash or underscore.js
Node.js and websockets came to the rescue when I needed to read data from a USB-powered barcode scanner
Smooth organic animation around a specific point in javascript
Return to the page you were viewing after accessing a login page
There’s no shortage of solutions to this common question, but I had trouble with many of them. Here's the one that worked for me.
This example uses codeigniter and activerecord
Using easeljs, this prototype allows us to add a collection of images to an html5 canvas, position and rotate them as desired, and save them as a JPG.
detecting whether a database record should be inserted or updated based on its existence within a db table
create an AJAX request for data from a mysql database that can be used in jQuery
A common backend dev task as implemented by a frontend dev
Create an automator task to capture screenshots from your mac for use in video documentation / animated GIFs
Creating an infrared "tripwire" allows for very focused motion-detected LED lighting
Placing objects within this box opens a hidden trapdoor...
They don't make it easy. In this example we'll install MongoDB
The latest API from Twitter requires authentication to display tweets. Here's how to do so with PHP and easily display them with javascript
Loop through JSON and spit out dynamic formatted HTML blocks using Ruby and Middleman
Backbone.js tends to switch the scope of "this" view after things like timeouts, intervals, AJAX requests, and jQuery animations. Here's how to retain scope.
Using Snap.svg to detect proximity and collisions and change object trajectory.
Fill a container with no white space
The OSC protocol allows you to send information between virtually any device or software if you know how to harness it. Here we'll look at how to manipulate Unity environments with touchOSC
This is the course material I taught at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn (RIP)
This time we'll use Fabric.js and the Google Picker API
Google's Picker API makes it easy to allow visitors to display content from the web on your site.
A beginner's guide to implementing grunt for front end developers
At a job interview, I was asked how to do this without jQuery. Javascript's filter function makes it easy.
How to programmatically set windows to a certain size and position on your desktop with applescript
...without changing the default application. In this case, I wanted .pde files to be able to be opened in either processing or arduino.
Drop this script into your Unity files and customize it to be able to control your Unity apps from other controllers / applications
DAT.gui makes it easy to manipulate almost anything in javascript via some basic controls
How to perform a circular rotation on a single axis in webGL
...and avoid CORS / security issues
Here we will tween an arc from one radius to another
Controlling a vimeo video with their Froogaloop javascript API
A quick snippet for manipulating javascript object data
AWS requires it, and JS doesn't make it intuitive, so here's how
CORS can be a pain when dealing with AJAX and getting data from other domains. Here's how to disable it.
Dynamic Dependent Dropdown filtering with Codeigniter and jQuery
If you've got a site that allows people to see the contents of a web server directory without accessing a specific page, you know that the listing Apache creates is ugly. Here's how to fix that.
Deny or allow access from a specific country
...for use in counters and progress bars